Everything seems to be going well for the Mumbai Indians, despite the controversies surrounding Rohit Sharma and Hardik Pandya. In a video released by the team on Wednesday, Hardik was seen giving a warm hug to the former captain, Rohit Sharma, during their practice session. Rohit was also seen chatting with Hardik, looking happy.  Mumbai Indians chose Hardik Pandya as their new leader after he joined them from the Gujarat Titans. Rohit Sharma, who led the team to five IPL titles in 10 years, had to step back as the team entered a new era under Hardik’s leadership.
There were rumors about Rohit Sharma being unhappy. Many wondered if Rohit and Hardik could overcome their differences and perform well for the team.
However, in the video released by Mumbai Indians, Hardik approached Rohit during a team huddle in practice and hugged him. They were also seen chatting with smiles on their faces. These moments suggest that the Mumbai Indians team is finally finding peace and settling down.