Injuries and personal commitments have frequently impacted players’ participation in India’s premier cricket event. In a recent development, it has been revealed that Mustafizur Rahman, the prominent Bangladeshi fast bowler, will be absent from the upcoming IPL 2024 clash against Sunrisers Hyderabad. This match, scheduled for April 5, will see Chennai Super Kings facing Sunrisers Hyderabad at the Rajiv Gandhi International Stadium in Hyderabad. Rahman’s absence is attributed to his journey back to Bangladesh to process his US visa in preparation for the T20 World Cup 2024, slated for June in the Caribbean and the United States. Expected to return between April 7-9, Rahman flew out last night for visa-related procedures and is set to provide his fingerprint at the US Embassy on April 4 before returning to India to rejoin Chennai. Notably, Rahman’s stint in the IPL will be limited to the end of April, as he is anticipated to join Bangladesh for their five-match T20I series against Zimbabwe, commencing on May 3.
Mustafizur Rahman will be absent from CSK’s upcoming match due to the need to process his US Visa.