In a twist of fate, the Gujarat Titans find themselves facing a temporary setback as their power-hitter, David Miller, nurses a minor injury sidelining him for the next two weeks in the IPL 2024 season. The South African sensation’s absence was keenly felt during the Titans’ recent face-off against Punjab at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad on Thursday, April 4.
In the absence of Miller, the ever-reliable Kane Williamson stepped into the breach, mustering up 26 runs from 22 balls. But it was clear that the Titans dearly missed the explosive flair that Miller brings to the crease. During the mid-innings show, Williamson couldn’t hide his disappointment, lamenting the loss of his teammate for the upcoming fixtures.
“Nice to be out there after long. Shame to lose Davey (Miller) for a week or two,” Williamson ruefully remarked to broadcasters, reflecting on the impact of Miller’s absence on the team’s performance against Punjab.
David Miller’s been the linchpin of the Titans’ batting lineup since his arrival in 2022, delivering electrifying performances time and again. From his fiery knock of 44 runs from 27 balls against SRH to his brisk 21 from 16 balls against CSK, Miller’s contributions have been nothing short of spectacular.
However, the exact nature of Miller’s injury remains shrouded in mystery, awaiting official confirmation. With the Titans feeling the void left by their star batsman, fans can only hope for a swift recovery and a triumphant return to the IPL arena!